Bespoke Web Solutions
web applications,
progressive web apps.
When it's about the Web. It's us you need!

We're Solution Architects first, Web Developers second
Totally Nerdy Ltd is a family-run business based in the UK. We help clients and businesses of all sizes worldwide with putting their ideas of websites, web applications, and progressive web apps for mobile devices into reality. Doesn't matter how big the idea is - a bespoke web solution is always in focus.
We take over whole projects, realize them in-house and deliver them to you, or we strengthen your team with the help of our professionals. Solving problems is always and in any case our priority.
Experience in web technologies since 2004
Working with web technologies since 2004, starting in Germany, we've seen many ways how to do things in the web. You'll get the one which fits your needs the best, and we well know there's hardly ever a one-fits-all solution.
We've worked on all kinds of applications
We work with clients of various businesses and sectors, like Human Resources, IT, Media, Automotive, Health Care and many more.
Patrick Pittich-Rinnerthaler, IT-Services
Patrick is Managing Director of our IT crowd.
He started off when the web was still young, and has seen and worked on many different web solutions since then.
Besides managing the matters of Totally Nerdy Ltd, he's also hired by clients as an engineer and consultant.
Lydia Monica Rinnerthaler, Business Services
Lydia is Managing Director of our Business Services.
She’s a trained Business Interpreter and Correspondent, and is happy to help. - the multifarious json builder
MongoDB Training/Consultancy
Working with MongoDB since 2011, we're sharing our expertise with the world.
Ask us anything
Get in touch with us to find out how we can help
Questions people have asked previously:
“Can I create a website on my own?”
“What website builder do you recommend for my site?”
“What’s the best content managing system for use case xyz?”
“Can you help digitalising our business processes?”
“What’s your favourite programming language?” 😜
How to use DNS records in MongoDB connection string
September 12, 2024

In this blog post, which is part of the series "A Developer's Notes", we'd like to record useful MongoDB information in regards to connecting to your MongoDB setup in the right way, which is via TXT and SRV DNS records....