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How to use DNS records in MongoDB connection string

In this blog post, which is part of the series "A Developer's Notes", we'd like to record useful MongoDB information in regards to connecting to your MongoDB setup in the right way, which is via TXT and SRV DNS records....

September 12, 2024

How to convert an array to an object in MongoDB

In this blog post which is part of the series "A Developer's Notes", we'd like to record useful MongoDB operations in regards to converting an array (collection) to an object, as this is a common problem developers face while working with MongoDB....

September 2, 2024

Extracting a query from MongoDB log with MongoDBLogToQuery

Another free tool, which we use on a regular basis, is our MongoDBLogToQuery parser. This tool is now available on Github under the MIT licence....

August 6, 2024

MongoDB Query Analyser

In this blog post we'd like to talk about a tool that we use on a daily basis when consulting MongoDB clients. A tool we like to give to the public under the MIT licence - the MongoDB Query Analyser by Totally Nerdy Ltd....

August 1, 2024

Things to Consider When Choosing a Website Name

We all want to choose a perfect name for our website as this could greatly impact our online presence and brand identity. A well-chosen website name not only helps visitors find and remember our site but also reflects our brand, communicates our message, and contributes to our overall success. So in this article we will discuss important factors we need to consider before choosing a website name that aligns with our goals and connects with our audience....

May 25, 2023

How to choose the right color scheme for your website

When it comes to web design, choosing the right color scheme is crucial for creating an engaging and memorable user experience. Color can convey emotion and establish brand identity . Here are some tips for selecting the perfect color scheme for your website:...

April 28, 2023

The web component to display code

TL;DR: A Web Component is an element you put on your webpages. It can be completely isolated from the rest of the webpages' codes. Therefore it's a good tool for third party integrations. Use our "web component to display code” if you can’t show the code in any different way....

March 6, 2023

Web push notifications finally arrived on iOS 16.4

The ability to receive web push notifications on iOS is finally here! Thank you very much, Apple.And you did it in the right way, also: the PWA or website needs to be added to the home screen first, before it's allowed to sent notifications. This prevents websites from spamming you with notifications requests when visiting that very site....

February 17, 2023

How to find and remove duplicates in MongoDB

In this blog post which is part of the series "A Developer's Notes", we'd like to record useful MongoDB operations in regards of finding and removing duplicate documents, as this is a common problem developers face....

February 16, 2023

What a progressive web app (PWA) is

TL;DR: A progressive web app is a responsive website that runs in browsers of various devices. By "installing" a shortcut to your home screen it can be accessible like any other native app. A fullscreen option makes it appear even more so....

February 15, 2023

How to add internal links to your Rocketspark website

TL;DR: Use our code snippet from below and paste it into the text box "Custom <head> tracking code" on page Dashboard >> Get Found (SEO), in order to add internal links to your Rocketspark website. Then customise as you like. Having your website on Rocketspark makes it very easy to design and maintain your site. But there is no option for adding internal links to your menu when managing pages on Dashboard >> Manage Pages. See here:...

February 6, 2023

Powered by Rocketspark - Why is that?

"Why is Totally Nerdy's website powered by Rocketspark? Why don't they have a self made, bespoke and custom solution for themselves?!”, somebody might ask, when reading our claim "Bespoke Web Solutions. Websites, Web applications, Web-based apps" and then noticing the "powered by Rocketspark" in the footer. Isn’t that inconsistent?No. We at Totally Nerdy Ltd work in the most efficient and resourceful way to give our customers what they want and need. That means we’re not keeping to reinven...

February 1, 2023

How to get notified about new blog posts

You find our content interesting? You would like to be informed about new posts without visiting our blog every day? RSS to the rescue! But let's have a brief look on what RSS is....

January 24, 2023

Infinite loops with MongoDB transactions

Welcome to our blog series "A Developer's Notes". In this series we write down anything peculiar related to web development we came across, and couldn't find anywhere else....

January 20, 2023

What Cloud Gaming is

TL;DR: With Cloud Gaming a game runs on a computer in the internet. Your input signals are sent to that computer, whereas the video is sent back to your local device.In addition to our explanation of Cloud Computing we'd like to talk about another famous term nowadays, which is Cloud Gaming. The principle is simple: a game runs on a computer in the internet, instead on your local device. Input signals are sent to the game and the video signal is sent back to the device you’re playing on.Hardwa...

January 17, 2023

What Cloud Computing is

TL;DR: Cloud Computing refers to software which runs in the internet and utilises on-demand computer resources. The software can be various things, e.g. websites, web applications, or processing various data. This software is not limited to one server, and can even be spread over multiple data centres (Clouds). In our introduction to the Cloud we briefly talked about a service in the Cloud which is Cloud Storage. The one we're going to talk about today is particular popular amongst web developer...

January 10, 2023

Web push notifications coming to iOS this year

That's an announcement web developers have been waiting for! Web push notifications are coming to iOS in 2023 - finally!...

January 2, 2023

How to add a "Go to Top" button to your Rocketspark website

TL;DR: Use the code snippets from below and paste them into the text boxes "Custom <body> tracking code" and "Custom <head> tracking code" on page Dashboard >> Get Found (SEO). Customise as you like. Having your website on Rocketspark makes it very easy to design and maintain your site. But there might be some features missing. One of them is adding a dynamic "Go to Top" button to all your pages that pops up when needed and hides automatically again. This is certainly usef...

December 29, 2022

What the Cloud is - an introduction

TL;DR: The "Cloud" refers to data centres in the internet. These centres comprise of servers, which host various services, like Cloud Storage, Cloud Computing, Cloud Gaming et cetera.In networking lingo the Cloud was always used as a representation for the internet. Compared to other types of networks like local area networks (LANs) the internet is displayed as a cloud symbol in all networking diagrams.At some point someone used phrases like "send data to the Cloud" or "store XYZ in the Cloud" f...

December 26, 2022

Website vs. Webpage - our explanation

TL;DR: A website is a collection of pages whereas a webpage refers to only one particular page on a website. We've been asked this regularly and decided to write down our explanation. The difference between a "Website" and a "Webpage" Let's take totally-nerdy.com for example. That's our website. And totally-nerdy.com/blog/ is one webpage on it. You navigate to individual pages by appending something to the website address, in this particular example it's "/blog/" which we added to the addre...

December 22, 2022

The Internet vs. the Web - the difference explained

TL;DR: The internet is the physical connection between computers whereas the web (a.k.a. world wide web) is made out of software and exists on top of it.We often get asked about the difference between the internet and the world wide web, or just the web for short. So we thought, writing it down in our blog would be a good idea.A brief history of the InternetThe internet existed long before the public knew about it, never mind them being able to use it. It was built for the military initially. It...

December 21, 2022

The purpose of this blog

Hello world! - not just a greeting but also a common phrase, used for screen display by developers when learning a programming language. My name is Patrick, and I'm one of the Managing Directors of Totally Nerdy Ltd. I've been working with web technologies for many years, and still remember the sound of my modem connecting to the internet, when uploading new pages to my first website.  The possibilities in the web nowadays are endless! Without proper guidance someone can get lost very easil...

December 20, 2022 Posts 1-22 of 22 | Page

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